One down, three to go…

Amazing – it's only March 7th and I had one of the motorcycles out today.  I've never had any of the toys out this early in the season, but I just couldn't resist.  It was sunny and in the fifties this weekend – just gorgeous – especially after what has felt like an endless late-winter season filled with cold, dark days.  I had gotten the Kawasaki rear fender back from the chrome shop a couple of weeks ago but hadn't had time to completely reinstall it, so today I got it bolted on and wired up, put the battery back in, wiped off the obvious layers of dust, and fired it up.  It started right away and off I went on a nice hour-long shakedown ride.  Yes, I actually broke my rule of not taking any toys out until after two good rainstorms wash all of the sand and salt off the roads.  But I just had to take advantage of such a wonderful day, and the Kow was the easiest of the toys to get back on the road.  Next I'll be dusting off the Mini (can't wait!) and attempting to roust the Triumph from its long winter nap.  Then I'll have to figure out what I'm going to do with the poor old Sprite.

It really felt great to be out, and I had to smile when I rode past a lake that was covered with ice – here I am, riding in early March, and I'm looking at a lake that's still frozen over.  This feels like a good start to the season.  So everyone needs to keep their fingers crossed that there won't be any late March or early April blizzards….