No more driving the dog!

Okay, will someone please tell me how it got to be November already?  And winter is really on its way?  It seems like the Fall has flown by so fast… And I haven’t updated this page in three months?  Anyway, the leaves have been really beautiful this year but there hasn’t been much time to enjoy them.  Every weekend in October has been taken up with rebuilding the pony barn (Carpenter Ants – Yuck!), work has been really crazy, and there has been lots of time devoted to the dog.  But don’t get me wrong – we love having him and he continues to be a pile of fun.  The good news is that we finally finished the Invisible Fence training – we can now take him for walks without driving him to the end of the driveway!  That seemed so silly – but we couldn’t take him over the line until we felt sure he knew where the lines were.  Well, we finally did it – took the shock collar off, walked him across the line, and went for a normal walk!  He was pretty nervous about it all, but he did it!  Such a good boy…